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R&D/Restoration Services
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Some of our restoration services include:
We apply ecological processes to achieve
innovative and effective outcomes for your
projects. Succession Ecology provides
personalised attention for each project and
produces high-quality outputs. The diverse
nature of our business enables development of
well-rounded, pragmatic outcomes, tailored to
your specific requirements.

Biological Soil Crust
Soils of the arid zone are characterised by their low nutrient availability, poor biological activity, fine particle size, and high levels of salinity, alkalinity and sodicity. Biological soil crusts provide important functions in these systems; they bind soil, minimise erosion, fix carbon and nitrogen, and absorb rainfall.
Succession Ecology has PhD-accredited environmental scientists with particular expertise in scientific design, research and reporting. We can establish field and laboratory research trials, experiments and monitoring programs for your site to deliver evidence-based, quantifable decision-making tools.
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