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Soil Crusts and Seedbanks

Biological Soil Crust


Soils of the arid zone are characterised by their low nutrient availability, poor biological activity, fine particle size, and high levels of salinity, alkalinity and sodicity. Biological soil crusts provide important functions in these systems; they bind soil, minimise erosion, fix carbon and nitrogen, and absorb rainfall. Once damaged or removed a biological soil crust can take a long time to restore.


Typically, contruction projects in arid areas remove vegetation and grade the soils; while these activities facilitate site access, they can also destroy the biological soil crust create soil erosion, dust pollution, community concerns, weed and vegetation issues and operational problems that can be experienced over the life of the development.  


We offer alternate site preparation, soil testing and an applied approaches to soil and vegetation management to stabilise soils and reduce dust pollution (see Cultana Case Study).  Soil testing can be particularly useful in the design phase of a project to inform planning and for developing strategies to reduce dust management and improve habitat regeneration.




Native seedbanks can become depleted in mature plant communities and following disturbance, may require bolstering to ensure an adequated regeneration response. 


Seedbank testing provides insight into your site, including its ability to recover after disturbance, patterns of expected growth (e.g. diversity and density of plant species), and your weed profile.


A Successional Approach

Succession Ecology's unique approach to revegetation involves a ‘ground up’ methodology, which floods a site with seeds of native colonising species. The use of colonising species provides rapid site stabilisation and initiates the process of recovery to build ecosystem function. These species add organic carbon to the soil, attract invertebrates, deposit seed, compete with weeds and provide cover. Colonising species in the arid zone can reproduce within 6–8 weeks of rainfall, bolstering the seedbank. These attributes provide a great catalyst for building ecosystems in the arid zone.

We are passionate about applying ecological processes to achieve cost effective outcomes for our clients. These processes comprise more than just biodiversity services, they can be harnessed to improve business productivity and address complicated site issues.

Our business provides personalised attention to each project and high-quality outputs. The diverse nature of our business enables development of well-rounded, pragmatic outcomes, tailored to site-specific requirements.


Who we are


Case Studies

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Copyright © 2021 Succession Ecology

ABN: 56 605 880 028


Succession Ecology is an environmental consulting company providing a broad range of services in ecological consulting, restoration management and native seed supply.

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