Cultana Army Base Recovery
Succession Ecology designed and implemented a monitoring program for identifying recovery potential and then assessing post seeding outcomes benchmarked against the surrounding chenopod shrubland for a recovery program on Defence land.
This project involved the revegetation of land disturbed during the expansion of training facilities at the Cultana Training area. The areas disturbed by construction comprised a total of 85Ha over two sites (27Ha at Site 1 and 58Ha at Site 2).
Surveys found that the sites for recovery had a minimal native seedbank and needed boosting with native seed. Post seeding surveys have found an average germination response of 17 native plants per m2 despite below average rainfall.
Our services for this project include:
Seed ‒ collection, cleaning and supply
Seeding ‒ direct seeding of all areas
Seedbanks ‒ seedbank assessment
Monitoring ‒ design and establish monitoring program, surveys, and reporting